All posts by James Roy

Bodak Yellow: Cardi B Worships The Antichrist

It’s hard to know where to begin with such a unabashed display of affection towards the elite agenda, hidden in plain sight, as we see in Cardi B’s song “Bodak Yellow.” Do these performers even care about us anymore? I thought they loved us. The speed at which they pledge their support to the elite (Illuminati or whatever they call themselves) is sending a clear message to everyone that you can only succeed if you submit to the elite agenda. There is no other option. This video is a big “fuck you” in the face of anyone who hasn’t submitted their soul for the success only the bought-and-paid-for elite can attain.

The Title

There’s nothing in the lyrics that even hints specifically at the color yellow, so why is that the title of her song? We can get our first hint from the opening shot, which tells us that the video is set in Dubai, and then pans to a green-clad Arab woman (who we learn is Cardi B herself) riding a camel across the yellow sands of the Middle East. The message here is very subtle, and few will be able to decipher it. While it is clear all these images of the middle east, and her eastern dress is clearly pointing to Islam (as the Niqab is a dress worn almost exclusively by Muslims), but why that’s being hinted at will be elaborated on below.

We discussed the use of colors in elite symbolism here, and in fact it is our first article. Funnily enough, in that very article we mention the increasing use of red as we inch nearer to the apocalypse, and lo and behold, she’s singing about her red “bloody” shoes in the very music video where she just praises the antichrist non-stop.

We don’t delve in to the color yellow too much in that article, and we will not do so here either. That will be for another article. All you need to know right now is the yellow is used in this instance to refer to ancient Egyptian dieties, as they are depicted in their hyroglyphs. The ancient egyptians used yellow to represent sun and gold. The color represented the indestructible qualities of these, and were often attributed to pagan gods. Some of these pagan gods had numerous manifestations following the Egyptians, including the Canaan and Syrian protector of the underworld and the spirits of the dead.

The most clear depiction of an ancient Egyptian diety can be seen in this image. We see a clear depiction of the Eye of Horus.

The Eye of Horus


In titling her song “Bodak Yellow,” Cardi B has, at the very least, proclaimed her devotion to the evil powers of the ELITE. Some say she’s praising the ruler of the Underworld – Satan. Though much of her video shows reverence to the antichrist using various world religions. Is there much of a difference between picking one or the other? No there isn’t.

And speaking of the underworld, we encounter the Bodak. The Bodak was a demon, sometimes the Devil himself, who was sent from the underworld to steal children. It was a sign that evil had infiltrated the world and was preparing to take it over. There you have it… Bodak aka the Devil is yellow, aka ancient Egyptian color to represent deity.

This goes against popular shpiel of the word “Bodak” being a replacement for Kodak Black.

Cardi B’s song title is a sign of what is to come. We have been saying it’s inevitable since we started this website. This only adds more proof to the fact that elite agenda will take place. It’s as inevitable as the deluge was.

The Lyrics

“Bodak Yellow” starts with her declaration that she’s a boss, not a “worker bitch”— which is a typical statement coming from someone who has sold their soul into the ranks of the Devil-worshipping elite, and is now above us god fearing regular folks. Regular church-going good men and women who haven’t sold their souls, are expected to continue with the way things are, and know their place. This ties into a meritocratic hierarchy believed in by some of the secret philosophers of the past, and is an affirmation to the idea that no two humans are equal, and rank is based on merit, in some cases karmic merit. Some Eastern philosophies have a strong belief in this (I will not go into it in this article).

And what will happen if we don’t? What happens if we start amassing? Start resisting? Instigate an uprising? Our blood will get all over the bottoms of the oh-so-expensive shoes, turning them red: “These expensive, these is red bottoms, these is bloody shoes.” This is how elite will deal with transgressors. So regular people are her “worker bitch,” she’s “a boss,” and in case you forgot what kind of power she has, she reminds us all again, “I make bloody moves.” This refrain is repeated three times, like the holy trinity, a sacrilegious way to make sure we get the point.

She brags for a while that she doesn’t even dance now—everything she does is a money move. That’s in part a reference to her days of stripping— a sinful business that serves no purpose beyond inducing adultery, destroying the institution of marriage, and furthering the decay of society. But she doesn’t do that anymore, because she’s been elevated way above that—and that’s usually how it works once you cross the line. All of a sudden, you’re raking it in and every move is a money move. Sounds great now, but this always happens for a reason.

The Duality

Here we’re going to start talking about a sinister “duality” at play in this video. By that we don’t mean light and dark, or anything of that sort. It is merely a singularity of the elite’s Satan worship, presented with dual faces. The references made here are in fact relating to the apocalypse, and are tributes to the antichrist. It’s Satan worship using symbolism from both Islam and Christianity. Yes, you read that right. A satanic fucked up version of “duality”, which in reality is just “heads I win, tails you lose”.

We will go over the symbolism used in Islam, and Christianity, and you will see that in both cases the symbols refer to the exact same thing. The Antichrist. In our view, the Elite Agenda was predetermined long before the appearance of these videos. The Elite believe it’s predestined. Perhaps it’s karma doing the dirty work. Either way, the videos serve merely as signs of what was always inevitable

We see Cardi B flagrantly displaying a timeless sign of duality here (also addressed in our first article):

The Islamic Symbolism

The Islamic version of the Antichrist is known as Dajjal. According to the Hadith, the followers of the Antichrist (or Dajjal) will be wearing green cloth on their head.

Islamic Hadith Mishkaat vol II, page 477:

that followers of Dajjal will have green cloth (amamah) on their heads.

Followers of Dajjal are dressed in green. See the one eye symbolism hidden in plain sight.


That’s why she’s wearing a green niqab. It is to make it clear that it is in relation to Islam aka the Hadith quoted above. It is because she’s dressed up as a follower of the Antichrist/Dajjal.

The Dajjal pretends to be generous and gracious, and gathers worshipers (or, as we call them now, “fans” and “groupies”). These worshipers are so enthralled with the Dajjal, so prepared to drown in the falsehoods spread by the Dajjal, that they will sell their souls to have what the Dajjal offers: fame, money, success, power, and material gain. And selling their soul is exactly what they do. Sometimes they think they can get away with it, and reneg on the deal they had, but believe me: satan is more than capable of extracting it’s pound of flesh, and getting what it believes it is entitled to. There’s nothing YOU can do about it.

Cardi B invites her fans into her worship of the Dajjal, and she does it by using her sexual presence as a lure. She has already declared that she can destroy everything and everyone you love by boasting that her “pussy like a lake, he want to swim with his face, I let him get what he want” and “I need to let all these hoes know that none of their niggas is safe”.

The One Eye Symbolism

The single eye is an ubiquitous symbol of the Elite, and the watchful eye of Satan. We see it everywhere. It is the ancient Eye of Horus, the all-seeing eye of Satan, watching, stalking, like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. The Dajjal is his messenger, coming to bring his reign to the whole world, and we can tell this in part by the fact that he has one good eye. Here is how the Dajjal is described:

I turned my face to see another man with a huge body, red complexion and curly hair and blind in the right eye. His eye looked like a protruding out grape. I asked, ‘who is this’. They said: ‘He is Ad-Dajjal’.(Book 9, Hadith 153)

Whoever that turns out to be historically, he already has Cardi B and her crew worshiping him. She’s so loyal that she’s already singing songs about her red, bloody shoes.

Red, bloody shoes.


The Eye is an ubiquitous symbol of the Elite, the Illuminati and their minions attempting—and achieving—world domination. It’s not at all surprising that the Dajjal will be the personification of the One Eye.

Cardi B’s multiple references to the One Eye are like her club membership card–she’s a member of the Antichrist’s fanclub.

The Christian Symbolism

Zechariah 11:17 also describes the Antichrist as one-eyed. This description, by both Islam and Christianity, is not literal but is symbolic.

Zech. 11:17, “Woe to the worthless shepherd who leaves the flock! A sword will be on his arm and on his right eye!  His arm will be totally withered, and his right eye will be blind.”

More one eye symbolism



She adds more Antichrist symbolism from Christianity within the song. For confirmation of this listen to the song at 66 seconds (1 minute and 6 seconds for those of you who need help) into the video when Cardi B clearly sings the words “six six six”.  You won’t find that on transcription of the lyrics anywhere. But it’s as clear as day.

Cardi B clearly embraces her Satanism—why won’t the lyrics website at least acknowledge it? Maybe it’s just too “out there” for mainstream listeners. After all, we’re supposed to be slowly accepting this new world order as normal. Let’s not call attention to it…

We also see the image of 2 6s.


Perhaps this is indication that the third 6, i.e. making it 666 i.e. the Antichrist is not very far away from the future. It is likely that the third 6 is on the the wooden column, we just can’t see it because of the camera.

We already said this is a forgone conclusion here, and her dancing at the eventual demise of the people that the Elite view as a parasitic, vampiric, spiteful class of humans, is enough to verify our beliefs.

The Flaming Sword

The flaming starts at a lower spot. Perhaps symbolic of the antichrist still early and not yet having attained rank.


There are multiple shots that include a model dancing with a flaming sword—perhaps the “bloody moves” she’s so proud of.

This is a clear reference to the flaming sword from the Bible, used to prevent entry to the garden of Eden:

Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.  – Gen.3:23-24


We believe the flaming sword in the video is symbolic of the Antichrist. The flaming sword blocks the profane from entering paradise, the Garden of Eden as it could be (but won’t be) experienced by everyone. This flaming sword is certainly the Antichrist. The Antichrist will block, and purge, the unworthy. He can easily be seen as the flaming sword.

It is clear that the model dancing, holding the flaming sword in absolute reverence, is a very strong message. They are in absolute reverence of the Antichrist. What will the Antichrist plan? We have no idea. The use of the symbol though is very clear. Entering the symbolic “garden of eden”, which may be related to either material or spiritual concepts, will yield a unpleasant backlash (the flaming sword).

Now the flaming sword treated with A LOT of reverence and respect, having risen… Progress?


The Elite, who live in the represented garden of Eden, are not enthused with what they believe are a parasitic class of profane humans. The Garden of Eden may symbolize success, security, power, and freedom—all the things that could make your lives paradise— or it may symbolize something else, but it is only available to the Elite. Most of all, the flaming sword shows that any attempts to somehow unduly gain this from the elite will be met with death. That is an absolute certainty, and people have already died because of this, so it’s definitely not news (although it might be for some). It may simply show that no-one is bulletproof, and the deaths may accelerate if people keep disobeying this higher power.

The shooting at the church showed us exactly that. Think about it. There is no follower of any religion that will be exempt. Just thinking about that sent shivers down my spine. Cold merciless chaos would be very punishing. Personally, I’d rather stay out of their way.

Other Symbols

You can’t miss the one bloodshot green eye on her right arm. More one eye symbolism. First the Eye of Horus and the green clothes worn by the followers of the Dajjal, her claim is clear. The One Eye links her to the Illuminati and their hand-chosen Elite. They are watching you, Wazowski, always watching. The skull and the dragon, symbols of death and demons. The “A” for anarchy is a sign of what is to come. There are many symbols on her in this video.


The lyric transcripts claims she says “Dropped two mixtapes in six months, what bitch working as hard as me?” (even though we know she said “666”). Combine that with the flaming sword reference, and it is clear that the target may very well be the vast majority of the human race. It is also clear that they are viewed as parasitic, and spiteful, as she claims to be working harder than the rest, yet they are “haters” for her success.

Think of the deluge in this situation. Instead of Noah’s flood, there might be some other remedy for what is, for some select individuals, perceived as a cancer on the Earth.

Freedom? Not when every dollar you spend and minute you live is dictated by government pawns of the Elite masquerading as elected officials. Not when we are watched every minute through cameras, computers, and cell phones.

Security? Not when the police can show up at any time and shoot you without due process or Constitutional justification. Not when they can take your property and give it to the Elite any time the Elite crooks their little finger.

Power? No people on earth have received the message that their time is up more than than the hard-working, tax-paying citizens in developed nations. We’re expected to do what we’re told, give our lunch money to the bullies, and drink the Kool-Aid they give us. We don’t get to do or have what matters to us. They think us normal people are just unworthy and unqualified to be rubbing shoulders with the Elite and their Infernal Boss.

No, those gates are slammed shut against us, and celebrities stand in front of them celebrating the “flaming sword” with good music. This is what our world has come to—the likes of Cardi B and her Elite teammates are preparing to usher in the age of destruction, slavery, satanism and death.

The hidden meaning behind Travis Scott’s Butterfly Effect

The latest music video by Travis Scott had me spit out my drink. It is a malevolent sensory barrage of Illuminati, MK Ultra, Apocalyptic and Satanic symbolism. Nothing is out of bounds, not even a video that is practically a replication of the monarch mind control process. Let me make it clearer: he may as well say point-blank that he’s a satanist, he sides with the antichrist, and is very much a part of Hollywood’s elite agenda. His song “The Butterfly Effect” is said to be about the concept of the “butterfly effect” i.e. a small action in one place can have a massive effect somewhere else. It stems originally from chaos theory, which posits that we just can’t predict either all the causes, or all the effects, of any event—so, the theory goes, a butterfly flapping its wings in New Mexico eventually causes a hurricane in China. Or to put it more scientifically, small changes in initial conditions lead to big changes in results.

Popular opinion is that his song is about his sudden rise to fame, and some people are even trying to make it about his girlfriend, Kylie Jenner. However a closer look at the video shows that it is just some MK Ultra monarch mind control shit. I mean how did you miss that?

Travis Scott—sometimes spelled Travi$ Scott—was born Jacques Webster outside of Houston in 1992. He’s considered a rapper, but doesn’t describe himself that way—if you ask him, he’s a singer and producer. We just think he’s a Satanist. He appeared on the hip-hop scene in 2012, out of apparently nowhere (yeah go figure, nobody appears out of nowhere and just happens to be an illuminati satanist lover in his videos), and started producing songs for big names such as Drake, Rihanna, T.I., and Kanye West. But although he was the lead vocalist on several songs, he hadn’t made much of an impact in the world of hip-hop.

But after a few years of this low-level notoriety, Scott’s popularity suddenly exploded in one single day. He’d released two albums by that point, which got a lot of hype but failed to impress. Then on May 22, 2017, both of his previous albums were certified platinum—even though the first one was released in 2015, almost 2 years earlier, and the second less than a year after that. They were already old news, and fans were waiting for him to announce the release date of his new album.

Since then, one of the songs from those early albums has gone triple platinum, one of them has gone double platinum, and one was certified platinum. Strangely, the double platinum was also certified on May 22, 2017, meaning that Scott received three platinum certifications on the same day—from albums and singles.

That happened even though these albums are universally acknowledged to be both disappointing and derivative, leaving many hip-hop lovers wondering how in the world this particular artist managed to go platinum even once, much less three times.

The Butterfly Effect video offers significant clues to how this could have happened. The video is a symbolic affirmation by Travis Scott that he sides with Satan. It is MK ULTRA programming and Satanism, working hand in hand in broad daylight

The Video

It starts with Travis having a bit of a flashback, and we see butterflies.

Butterflies are used as symbolism for Monarch Mind Control. Also flashbacks occur from heavy usage of LSD. For those who don’t know, here’s a thorough primer on MK ULTRA mind control, but in a nutshell, the CIA made extensive use of LSD, torture, and sleep deprivation in their MK ULTRA projects in the 50s-70s.

All them drugs, satanism, monarch butterflies, sure is tiring for an illuminati pawn

Butterflies are used as symbolism for Monarch Mind Control. Also flashbacks occur from heavy usage of LSD. For those who don’t know, here’s a thorough primer on MK ULTRA mind control. but in a nutshell, the CIA made extensive use of LSD,torture, and sleep deprivation, in their MK ULTRA projects mid 90s.

The video shows Travis Scott starting off barely conscious – a subtle allusion to sleep deprivation that is part of the MK ULTRA process – living in the fast lane, with bling galore… all the perks of siding with Satan in the grand plan to purge the mass of undesirables. You just have to obey your Satanic masters, that’s all. I mean look at how many celebrities we have openly saying they sold their soul to Satan.

Exhaustion, sleep deprivation – all part of the monarch mind control process… he’s passed out

We then have a quick but awkward close up of his chain. It’s almost stuck in artificially, with a cut to it and then away, clearly telling viewers, “Hey, look at this chain!” It looks like a Cactus Jack chain, however the links of the chain resemble the ram’s head ubiquitously used in Satanism. The medallion, also, appears at first glance to be a cross, but a closer look will show that it is not. He appears to be a Satanist, not unlike his fellow celebrities, including his mentors Kanye and Rihanna.

Nice devil horns “cactus jack”

For much of the video, the chain occupies the center or near-center space on the screen. It is a self-aware symbol of Satan, and the way everything in the video revolves around it makes clear that both singer and song revolve around Satan. In fact, it could be said to be a symbol of his bondage, of chains more powerful than iron now enslaving him to Satan.

This is the sigil of Baphomet, used by the Church of Satan

The changes in the colors are a clear representation of an LSD trip. LSD was used by the CIA in the 50s and 60s, well before it had any street cred, to influence, break down, and reprogram subjects’ minds in the MK ULTRA project. LSD creates the dissociative effects that the MK ULTRA program has always relied on—those under its influence don’t know what’s real and what’s not, and must rely on a guide or “handler” to tell them what to do. LSD use reduces a person to slavery, which is the whole purpose of the MK ULTRA program.

Altered colors and reality are experiences typically reported by users of psychedelic drugs, such as LSD

We’ve been conditioned to think that these colors and this visual distortion is just creative license, interpretation, or artistry. This is dangerous thinking! Reality is what it is—so anyone who wants us to get used to not trusting our own eyes or our other senses, who wants to tell us that some other drug-addled perception of reality is also okay, has a hidden agenda. That’s not artistry—real art helps us see reality more clearly. The kind of distortion in this video, masquerading as art, is trying to get us used to letting someone else tell us what reality is. If we need someone to tell us what’s real, then we’ve already lost the battle for our freedom, and maybe even for our souls.

More effects of the mind altering drugs

The video then almost shows the entire process of torture that MK ULTRA recipients go through, including a torture method known as head dunking. This is water torture, but it’s not to get information from someone. It’s dunking people’s heads in tanks of water, so that they are completely deprived of sensory stimulation, and oxygen (did I forget to mention that?), so that they are desperate for air, and survival instincts kick in. This is also an important part of the MK ULTRA process, as it allows their handles to then command their thoughts, feelings, and actions. The torture, sensory overload (also induced via deprivation), and control by the handler is what these celebrities have to go through. Selling your soul doesn’t come cheap (never mind most artists don’t even get a shot at it).

Head dunking torture technique
Glasses are a trigger symbol taken from Alice in Wonderland—it represents living in the world “through the looking glass,” where the person isn’t sure what is real, and must depend on his or her handlers to tell them what to think and what to do.

We can see clearly that this is the intention of Travis Scott’s handlers. Nearly everyone in the video wears distorting glasses at some point, from Scott himself to every one of his dancers. Glasses are a trigger symbol taken from Alice in Wonderland—it represents living in the world “through the looking glass,” where the person isn’t sure what is real, and must depend on his or her handlers to tell them what to think and what to do.

This is made even more clear by Travis Scott’s demeanor through the whole video—and, indeed, in every photograph and video clip available of him. He doesn’t look sharp, aware, awake, excited, or in control. He looks exhausted, stoned, confused, and well…stupid. His eyes are half closed, his mouth hanging half open. Sure, he’s got the golden calf—er, car—the (literal) sex slaves, and the shiny silver chains around his neck. Satan always comes through with money and fame. But it’s clear just by watching him in almost any situation that Travis Scott is not the entity in control of Travis Scott’s life. He is drugged, controlled, and enslaved by Satan, working through the still-existing MK ULTRA program—and working successfully, since MK ULTRA techniques are powerful and thorough.

He appears to be shifting between flashbacks, and the present. The present being all the bling he’s got, and the flashbacks are MK ULTRA.

Monarch Butterflies

There is ample butterfly symbolism. Normal people think it’s part of the song being about the butterfly effect, but these are symbolic of monarch mind control. The butterfly you see is the monarch butterfly. In the opening seconds of the video, it’s dark, and the glowing butterfly attacks Travis. We then see him lolling half-awake out the window of the golden car, completely under the butterfly’s spell. This indicates that he has been taken in by MK ULTRA and it is putting him through the program. If we had any doubt about that, he then tries to cover himself with his open shirt and turns his body away—a clear indication that he has been sexually abused and possibly enslaved, a common technique used by MK ULTRA for breaking people down.

More butterflies appear when the woman in the video is biting the apple, which is a clear allusion to the forbidden fruit in the Genesis story. In the story, and in the video, the woman chooses the fruit even though it will cause her harm, but here we see the blue butterfly on the forbidden fruit. The fruit is simply the bait to get access to the woman to capture her for enslavement. The real power is the butterfly, which, as soon as she takes the bait, takes over, possessing her inside and out. Butterflies fly in and out of the women’s mouths, indicating complete control over every aspect of their bodies, minds, and actions.

The forbidden fruit with a blue monarch butterfly

Later in the video, what appears to be a home movie clip shows the date as January 1, 1990, and the time as 12:23 p.m. In the Chinese zodiac, this date falls within the year of the Horse, which itself is trapped between the year of the Snake and the year of the Goat—both of them symbols of Satan. By claiming a date within this year, Scott may be claiming that Satan goes behind and before him, and that Satan stands between him and everyone else. And he might be right about that—how else can the success of this absurd song be explained?

Baphomet and Satanism

The video also offers notable tributes to Baphomet. For those who don’t know, Baphomet is an ancient figure usually rendered as a goat-man surrounded by Satanic symbols. You know that pentagram with the ram head you see everywhere (including the cactus jack chain)? Well that’s the sigil of Baphomet used by the Church of Satan. Baphomet has taken many forms over history, but in this well-known incarnation, Baphomet suggests roots as both Osiris, the Egyptian goat-headed god of the dead, and Pan, the Greek goat-headed god of self-indulgence and debauchery (both of those are functions of the entity we know as Satan). Baphomet sits with one arm raised, signifying the separation of all things, and one arm lowered, signifying the joining together of all things.

There are multiple suggestions of Baphomet in the video for “The Butterfly Effect,” usually through symbols and physical poses. In the first suggestion of Baphomet, Travis Scott stands in front of his golden car, recently inducted into MK ULTRA, and as he begins to sing, one arm goes up, bent at the elbow, and one stays down, straightened. He changes quickly, bringing the lower arm up again, but not before the pose has been hinted at.

A little bit later, Travis Scott is on the stairs (a pyramid shape) in the water, and the lady, who looks more like a sex doll than a person, is lying on the stairs in a classic Baphomet pose. It’s worth noting that throughout the video, you see the ladies crawling or lying on their backs, indicating that they are in the MK ULTRA program as sex kittens and/or Illuminati puppets. Throughout the video, Travis and the ladies continue to strike the Baphomet poses in clear worship of the goat-headed demon.

Baphomet pose by the one in blue

Sometimes this is followed up with the one-eye symbol, the all-seeing eye representing the Illuminati, or the Dajjal (i.e. the Antichrist in Islam). Dajjal is one-eyed, and it’s clear these satanists have a thing for the antichrist. it could also represent Satan. There’s no getting away from these powers, and if you give yourself to them, like Travis Scott has done, you won’t be getting yourself back. You belong to them now.

One eye symbolism

The second one is him doing it directly. The image turns black and white, just like the Baphomet.

The lightning strike happens right at his chest, coursing through his Satanic chain. Lightning is also a symbol for Satanism, and this just further proves that Travis Scott is a Satanist, and a pawn of the elite. It takes over his body, shocks and almost kills him, and then the butterflies are inside him too. They have him. I hope he enjoys his wealth and success while he can.

…“I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven”…(Luke 10:18-19)

In conclusion, the video ends exactly the way it started. The only difference being that the process is now complete, and Travis Scott gets his rewards. Not only is the process of undergoing it sinister, the butterfly effect of the symbolism, and the music industry, is just as sinister. Artists that make it are ultimately pawns to the elite. In so doing, not only do their videos further the cause, it makes elite stronger, and it is the reason why we here on this website believe much of what will happen in the future is inevitable. One thing is for certain – this will not be the last time you see videos with similar symbolism.

The Link between Monsanto, Chemtrails and Wilhelm Reich

If you haven’t heard of the Monsanto Protection Act, we can not blame you. The Illuminati controlled media is being used to usher in a New World Order, and in the process, educating us would be counter to the Elite Agenda. This Act is just the tip of the iceberg. Obama being a puppet for the Illuminati signed the act, after Congressional Approval. But where did this all start?

Air not poisonous enough for ya? Well we'll fix that!
Air not poisonous enough for ya? Well we’ll fix that!

United States President Barack Obama has signed a bill into law that was written in part by the very billion-dollar corporation that will benefit directly from the legislation.

On Tuesday, Pres. Obama inked his name to H.R. 933, a continuing resolution spending bill approved in Congress days earlier. Buried 78 pages within the bill exists a provision that grossly protects biotech corporations such as the Missouri-based Monsanto Company from litigation. – source

For many decades now, numerous witnesses have observed a phenomenon they’ve described as “Chemtrails,” or “Chemical Trails,” in North American skies. What they have described it as, is a line of mysterious steam, thicker, of a different shade, and staying in the sky far longer than the water vapor known as “contrails” (condensation trails) that are typically left behind by passing aircraft. Although the government, in service of the Elite, has denied the existence of Chemtrails, a great number of people have observed thick criss-crossing lines in the sky that remain for long periods of time. This, in itself, would be nothing more than a curiosity if it were not for the fact that they seem to produce a negative effect on the health of the people, wildlife, and vegetation, of their communities. Grown, healthy adults have succumbed to deadly diseases such as cancer, severe respiratory problems, and fatal heart conditions. The effect on children has not yet been fully determined. The Elite media would have us believe that ALL of the health problems that occur in rural communities are simply caused by poor diet and lack of exercise. Certainly, as people consume more processed, chemically treated food, we can expect to see a decline in general health, but not to this extent.
This has caused a great deal of concern among those living in the affected areas. The public at large has, for the most part, accepted the official explanation. What the Elite do not even try to do is explain why crops have been dying and rates of disease have been rising in these areas. Can “too many cheeseburgers and too little jogging” really rationalize away this problem? Or, in their arrogance, do the Elite really expect that nobody will look more closely at this incredibly shallow answer to an incredibly important question? Perhaps they just hope that people will forget about the minor detail that this is an insufficient explanation when examining the case for Chemtrails.


Although many people have looked more deeply into this subject, searching for an answer that might reveal the agenda behind such activity, no obvious chemical source can be identified. The Elite have seen to it that anyone who calls attention to these issues is portrayed in the media as a lunatic, however valid the points they raise might be. When people believe that someone is crazy, they don’t care that there is no attempt to explain why they are wrong. You’d think, if the people demanding answers about the Chemtrails phenomenon were so and insane, it would be easy to rationally explain why they are mistaken, rather than relying on an anti-intellectual smear campaign. What, then could be the explanation behind the numerous witnesses to this phenomenon, the rise in disease, and the lack of an obvious chemical presence? If there is something abnormal about these trails, and all eyewitness accounts suggest that there is, then why have independent investigations failed to turn up substantial evidence of a chemical presence? Why has no one been able to discover what is making people sick, and crops die?

The answer is that no one has looked in the right place. To find our explanation we must look back at some of the strangest scientific claims of energy production made in the twentieth century, and one of the most shameful cases of censorship and oppression carried out by the United States government.

A cloudbuster
A cloudbuster

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Wilhelm Reich (24 March 1897 – 3 November 1957) was an Austrian psychoanalyst, a member of the second generation of psychoanalysts after Sigmund Freud, and one of the most radical figures in the history of psychiatry. - Wikipedia
Wilhelm Reich (24 March 1897 – 3 November 1957) was an Austrian psychoanalyst, a member of the second generation of psychoanalysts after Sigmund Freud, and one of the most radical figures in the history of psychiatry. – Wikipedia

Wilhelm Reich was a brilliant student of psychology who made discoveries related to the reproductive process and the generation of energy. Before he moved into this territory, he was a renowned intellectual, celebrated for his analytic mind, and passionate political stance against the fascist movements of his time. His research into the function of the human orgasm and its potential for use in creating growth and healing human beings changed all of that. What Reich proposed next was only peripherally linked to human sexuality, but in 1950s America, that was more than enough. The Elite used this aspect of Reich’s work to launch a devastating attack against the once-respected man and cause the incredible progress that he had made in his groundbreaking research to grind to a halt.

Reich’s discovery was a form of energy he called “orgone,” a positive life force naturally occurring in the earth’s atmosphere. He proposed that, if concentrated properly, this energy could be used for numerous beneficial purposes. Even so, he came under intense scrutiny. Reich created “orgone accumulators,” boxes that would collect this energy for use in treating, and potentially curing, various diseases, particularly cancer, sterility, and impotency. The connection is obvious. Cancer causes a malignant growth that ends life, while sterility and impotency are manifestations of a fundamental inability to manifest the material that creates new life. Reich theorized that orgone energy could be used to reverse the cancerous process, and restore the reproductive function to those affected by sterility and impotency.

In addition to this innovative research, Reich began to create devices he called “cloudbusters,” machines that would project accumulated orgone energy into the atmosphere, creating rain that would be particularly beneficial for growing crops, and reversing periods of drought. The early testing of both these technologies began to show promise. His critics point to the fact that Reich enjoyed only limited success, and some debate whether he had any real results at all, but this is somewhat spurious. Reich’s period of research, from his discovery of orgone energy to the period that his work was destroyed by the government Elite, lasted a mere eight years, and his experiments were largely funded by himself, or donors who had faith in his abilities. To develop such revolutionary technology, even government-funded corporations with literally billions of dollars to work with, and virtually unlimited laboratory access, take longer than that to produce far less impressive results than what Reich’s early work demonstrated in the field of agriculture.

Even so, the Elite were content to rob him of his teaching position and publicly discredit his work. The trouble didn’t start until Reich identified the cause of the droughts and diseases themselves, something he called “Deadly Orgone Radiation.” If orgone were the life force, this would be the death force, spreading famine and disease anywhere it accumulated. The potential for creation and healing was of little interest to the Elite. The potential for destruction, however, was quite a different story.

A picture speaks a thousand words. Here is one speaking of the effects to our ecosystem and food sources
A picture speaks a thousand words. Here is one speaking of the effects to our ecosystem and food sources

Shortly after this significant breakthrough in his research, Reich was taken to federal court, ordered to cease the production of orgone related equipment, and halt all of his research. The public will never know what might have come of Reich’s work, because in a terrifying act of censorship, the Food and Drug Administration destroyed all of his notes and equipment in a massive book burning after a raid on his laboratory. One would assume that, if Reich had been the “kook” that the government was attempting to portray him as, they would have been more than happy to make his research public. If it was easy to discredit his work, why burn all of the evidence? People make stranger claims than Reich’s, based on less research. Reich was charged with fraud, but it was the FDA, not the people who had bought orgone accumulators from him, that was actually behind the assault. Perhaps the threat that Reich posed to the corporate Elite, who would find it difficult to profit from an energy that occurs naturally throughout the earth’s atmosphere, was too great. Indeed, this would seem to be the case. Although Reich was imprisoned, he vowed to continue his research upon release. Alas, this extraordinary thinker died of a mysterious heart attack just one week before his scheduled parole in 1957. While a generation of idealists mourned his passing, politicians, sex-phobic reactionaries, and the Corporate Elite, who had other plans for the business of agriculture, celebrated.

…Monsanto’s present-day global seed and insecticide portfolio, including rights to its infamous “terminator” or “suicide seed” technology (which effectively sterilizes second-generation plants and makes it not only futile but a legal violation for farmers to gather seeds for next year’s crop). Monsanto has prosecuted farmers who discover GM corn or soy sprouts growing on their land after the wind carries seeds over from neighbors’ GM fields. The basis for such ridiculous lawsuits? Plant patent laws: These farmers are inadvertently violating Monsanto’s intellectual property rights. – source

The United States government, after years of research and the combined efforts of the Agricultural Research Service and the Delta and Pine Land Company, created what are called, “terminator seeds.” According to the official explanation for this very strange field of study, people’s fears about consuming genetically modified food would be assuaged if that genetically modified food were not able to reproduce, thus eliminating concerns that an unnatural mutation of some kind might occur. As it turned out, people’s fears about the abuse of this so-called “terminator technology” far outweighed any such concerns. The commercial use of terminator technology was officially banned in the U.S. in the year 2000, and faces severe opposition anywhere in the world that its use has been advocated. The catch was this: the Monsanto mega-corporation, which had been conducting field tests of genetically modified crops since 1987, was developing a similar technology, a kind of seed that would never be capable of reproduction.

The reaction from NGOs and farmers to this idea was overwhelming, and mega-corporation or not, Monsanto suffered a great loss when commercial use of this technology was banned. Experimental use of the same technology is another matter. Although in 1999, Monsanto implemented a program where buyers must sign a contract simply not to sell or re-use their seeds, in opposition to legal action taken by a concerned public, there is no evidence they have ever halted their research program into terminator technology. Neither of these groups, the government Elite or the corporate Elite, were willing to see their efforts, and their money, merely go to waste.

GMO Corn
GMO Corn

The Elite had no use for Reich’s research into orgone energy. But now, the existence of Deadly Orgone Radiation (D.O.R.) suddenly became important. Its use would be untraceable by conventional means, and, like Reich’s cloudbuster, it would require no more than water vapor to act as a carrier. In fact, the Elite explanation that these are not truly Chemtrails, but contrails, is technically accurate. They have simply found a way to infuse that simple water vapor with deadly radiation, which explains why they remains in the sky longer than normal contrails, and why in spite of the fact that crops have died and there has been a significant increase in the cancer rates of affected areas, no chemical contamination has been found.

But why use D.O.R. in the skies?

Because it attacks the life force, the potential for reproduction and growth, D.O.R. would have no effect on seeds genetically modified with terminator technology. This destructive energy manifests its deadly force through reproductive power, so it could only affect those crops that do not carry the terminator gene. Although the research and development of this technology has taken many years, it was in its infancy in Reich’s day, slowly but surely, the corporate Elite is perfecting it.

At present, the genetically modified crops growing in places not affected by “Chemtrails” are healthy, and thriving. It would seem that a simple ban on the re-use of seeds, and not the development of a form of technology that could give a single company a stranglehold on the world’s entire agricultural system, could solve the problem. However, use of technology that increases the presence of D.O.R. in the atmosphere could change that equation. If a mega-corporation such as Monsanto could produce new, “genetically modified” seeds that could resist a disaster, such as the sudden, inexplicable collapse of the agricultural industry, the ban on this technology would be very suddenly lifted. Thus far, the use of D.O.R. has not been perfected or, as far as we can tell, weaponized, but experiments continue to take place in increasing numbers.


The use of this technology could create a situation in which only the sterile survive, and the only cure for that sterility would be in the hands of the corporate Elite. If taken to the most devastating extreme, it would be possible for a company like Monsanto to use D.O.R. to seize the reigns of human reproduction itself. If this were to take place, within a couple of generations, that company could easily control the world. This potential attack on the agricultural economy is just the beginning.

While it may seem far-fetched to some, those people living in the area affected by the “Chemtrails” (as we have shown, a slightly inaccurate term) phenomenon can and will attest to the fact that this is no laughing matter. Something is out there making plants, animals, and people, sick. Something that is visible in the air, and hangs like a gloomy cloud in the sky, in sharp contradistinction to the fluffy, quickly vanishing, vapor trails left behind by commercial airliners.

Harvest time?
Harvest time?

The only possible way to fight this incursion would seem to have died with Wilhelm Reich, however that cannot possibly be the case. If these experiments are taking place, and evidence would suggest that they are, the means of reversing their effects must also have been preserved, or at least re-discovered. For a company of Monsanto’s resources, what took Reich years to discover and identify would be a minor task.

Reich had many students that attempted to carry on his research as best they could. Is it possible that one of them could identify traces of D.O.R. in the areas where people have witnessed “Chemtrails?”